Friday, July 10, 2015

Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Award: Commendation

Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Award 2015: Commendation
The Design & Innovation Club pursued the Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Award in 2015. This competition seeks creativity and originality among the young generation. This competition encourages young inventors to stimulate their minds to come up with solutions to problems we encounter daily. This promotes scientific and technological research in Singapore. One of our entries was selected for a Commendation Award.
The Easily Tilted Trolley was invented by our members, Goh Ee Xiong and Xie Tianyu. The main objective of the invention is to help make it easier for the janitors, who are quite senior in age, to lift a trolley up a curb. Ee Xiong and Tianyu observed the janitors of our school having a hard time pushing a trolley up a curb. They spoke to them and further researched the problem. They found out that it is extremely difficult and tedious for the janitors to push heavily loaded trolleys up a curb. This inflicts agonizing pain to their joints, causes backaches and makes them slouch for extended periods of time. Therefore, to make their life easier,  Ee Xiong and Tianyu came up with the idea of an easily tilted trolley.

Ee Xiong and Tianyu with their invention
It is extremely easy to operate. All you have to do is apply a little force to the lever attached to the base of the trolley and the trolley would be tilted. It has been proven with Principle of Moments that, with the lever, lesser force is needed to push the trolley.

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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources” à “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post J