Friday, July 9, 2010

Landslide Competition 2010

It was the inaugural Landslide Competition, that Singapore Polytechnic organized in conjunction with the National Earthquake Challenge. In this competition, students are required to design and simulate a landslide environment which can withstand vibration from a vibrating platform. They are also allowed to put more weights on top of the landslide to earn more points, or they could also choose to put satay sticks in the slope to reinforce the slope, but thus penalizing themselves.

On the day of the competition, the 3 teams that DNI sent in were all very focused and teamwork was very evident. They professionally designed their slopes, and cautiously put on the weights and the satay sticks. We did not get a chance to view the other teams do their testing, so we were not able to compare our results with theirs. The waiting for the results in the next few weeks were torturous, to be brief, as we speculate on how our rivals could overcome the faults we committed.

In the end, when the results were announced, 2 our teams did us proud again by obtaining 1st and 2nd places! Both the students and the teachers were shouting for joy, as we couldn't believe our ears! We received the prizes from Singapore Polytechnic on the prize presentation day with pride, as our own designs won the competition!

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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources” à “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post J